US Mobilizes Emergency Relief for Afghan Flood Victims

Karen Decker, the acting head of the US Embassy to Afghanistan, has expressed her sympathy and solidarity with the families affected by the floods in Nangarhar, Kunar, Laghman, and Panjshir provinces. In a post on X Wednesday, Decker, who is based in Qatar, said: Kabul 24: “My heart goes out.

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UN Deploys Teams to Mitigate Flood Crisis in AfghanistanJoint Assessment Teams Identify Flood-Affected Areas and Address Victim Conditions

The United Nations has deployed 14 joint assessment teams to identify flood-affected areas and address the conditions of flood victims in Baghlan, Badakhshan, and Takhar. Kabul 24: The teams are working in coordination with the Afghanistan State Ministry for Disaster Management Affairs to continue search and rescue operations. Humanitarian Partners.

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