Israel allows schools to be taken in the north despite rocket fire

Israel has announced the resumption of schools in the northern region, despite ongoing rocket fire from Hezbollah. Kabul 24: The Israeli military stated that restrictions have been eased, allowing educational institutions to resume operations. This decision follows a series of rocket attacks by Hezbollah during Yom Kippur, with approximately 320.

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More than 200 schools in Faryab province need to be renovated

Over 200 schools in Faryab, Afghanistan require urgent reconstruction due to damage from past wars and recent natural disasters. The destruction of these schools has made the educational process difficult for students, forcing them to study in open spaces, rented houses, and mosque corners. Calls for Assistance Kabul 24: Residents.

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Addressing the Lack of Standard School Buildings

Out of the 498 schools in Faryab, 155 lack proper buildings, forcing over 80,000 students to study in open spaces or rented houses. Kabul 24: The construction of these two new schools, costing over 27 million Afghanis, aims to address the challenge of inadequate standard school buildings in the province..

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Education Ministry Implements New Regulation to Control Private School Fees

The Ministry of Education has finalized a procedure to control the fees charged by private schools to students. The new regulation categorizes private schools into three categories: high quality, medium quality, and low quality, with fees set accordingly based on the students’ capacities. Students Criticize High Fees, Urge Government Action.

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Over 500 Private Schools Opened Across the Countr

The Union of Private Schools of Afghanistan told that over 500 private schools have been established across the country in the current solar year. Azim Maidanwal, the head of the Union of Private Schools of Afghanistan, reported that approximately one and a half million students are currently enrolled in private.

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The European Union donates 10 million dollars to support the students of primary schools in Afghanistan

Rafaela Iodis, head of the European Union’s mission in Kabul, says that the EU will allocate 10 million dollars to the World Food Program to provide snacks for two million boys and girls in primary schools. Kabul 24: Today (Saturday, 29 Mizan), announcing this news, he wrote in X that.

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