Envoys voice concern over curbs on Afghan women at talks with IEA in Doha: UN

Meanwhile, US State Department said US envoys participated in the meeting after receiving assurances from the UN that the discussion would meaningfully address human rights, particularly the plight of women and girls, and that there would be opportunities for engagement with Afghan women and civil society. Kabul 24: US envoys,.

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UN: Afghanistan is one of seven countries that has no women in its cabinet

Afghanistan is one of only seven countries in the world that does not have any women in its cabinet, according to a statement by the United Nations marking International Women’s Day in Diplomacy. Despite progress, women remain underrepresented in positions of power and diplomacy globally, with 113 countries never having.

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Islamic Emirate Reacts to UN Rapporteur’s Remarks

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, has described the report by UN Rapporteur Richard Bennett and representatives of some countries in the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting as an attempt to mislead public opinion ahead of the third Doha meeting. Kavul 24: Mujahid said the Islamic Emirate.

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Decline in Employment Rate Among Afghan Women: UN Report Reveals Troubling Trends

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Afghanistan has released a report indicating a significant 50% decrease in the employment rate among women in the country, with only 6% currently employed. This alarming trend sheds light on the challenges faced by Afghan women in the workforce. Insights from UNDP Research.

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EU Allocates £15 Million to Support Women-Led Businesses in Afghanistan

The European Union (EU) delegation based in Kabul has allocated £15 million to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Afghanistan to facilitate women-led local businesses’ access to financial services. Kabul 24: Raffaella Iodice, the Head of the EU Delegation in Afghanistan, emphasised the economic importance of empowering Afghan women..

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United Nations: Seven thousand and 500 pregnant women in Herat have been affected by the earthquake

The United Nations Population Fund says that, based on this organization’s estimate, around 7,500 pregnant women have been affected by the recent earthquakes in Herat. Kabul 24: This fund published a report today (Sunday, 30 Mizan) and said that it has sent eight mobile medical teams to Herat to support.

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A young woman hanged herself in Faryab

Sources in Faryab reported that a young woman hanged herself in Qaisar district of this province and ended her life. Kabul 24: According to the sources, this woman was 21 years old and her name was Hitgol. He committed suicide yesterday (Monday, 24 Mizan) in “Arzliq” village of Qaisar district..

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Amnesty International: Erasing Afghanistan women from public life is a “crime against humanity”

Amnesty International has reiterated that erasing women and girls from public life is a crime against humanity for which the Taliban must be held accountable. Kabul24: In a tweet on Saturday, the organization highlighted that Afghanistan’s women and girls have been stripped of their basic rights and freedoms, with their.

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Women’s Health in Jeopardy Due to Lack of Female Doctors in Ghazni Clinics

Lack of Female Health Workers and Medical Facilities Limit Women’s Access to Healthcare Kabul24: Women’s Health Services Compromised by Lack of Female Doctors in Ghazni Clinics According to several residents of Ghazni, including visitors to the “Shams al-Arifin” clinic near the Eidgah Mosque, women in the province are facing serious.

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Taliban’s oppression of women worst in the world, UN official says

Nada Al-Nashif, the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, has expressed deep concerns over the Taliban abuse women’s rights. Kabul24: She said: “Globally, we have seen a backlash against women’s and girls’ rights in recent years. However, nowhere has this been more profound and all-encompassing than in Afghanistan since the.

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Fawzia Kofi’s concern about the Taliban’s restrictions against women at the meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Fawzia Koofi Raises Concerns Over Taliban’s Oppression of Women at UN Human Rights Council Meeting Kabul24: At the 53rd meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, Fawzia Koofi, the founder and leader of the Movement of Change for Afghanistan Party( MoCAP) spoke out against the culture of impunity that has.

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Women in Afghanistan call on UN Special Coordinator to prioritize human rights crisis

Members of Afghanistan’s Women Protesters Coalition have requested the UN Special Coordinator for assessment of the Afghanistan situation, Feridun Sinirlioğlu, and his team to prioritize the current human rights crisis in the country. Sinirlioğlu has traveled to Kabul in recent days and reportedly held a meeting with Din Mohammad Hanif,.

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