Putin Emphasizes Need for Inclusive Afghan Government

Russian President Vladimir Putin has emphasized the need for an inclusive government in Afghanistan, while also highlighting the importance of engaging with the Islamic Emirate. Putin emphasized that security and stability in Afghanistan are more crucial than economic opportunities for Russia and Uzbekistan. Security and Stability Take Priority Kabul 24:.

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Islamic Emirate Denies Pakistani Claims of TTP Presence in Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, in response to recent statements made by Pakistan’s Interior Minister, denied claims that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is operating on Afghan soil. Mujahid rejected the Pakistani official’s claim and added that Kabul seeks to have good relations with Islamabad and that Afghanistan.

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Mujahid: Kabul Owes Nothing to UN Without Recognition

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, told TOLOnews that if the United Nations seat for Afghanistan is not given to the interim government, they do not consider themselves indebted to the organization. Kabul 24: Afghanistan’s voting rights have been suspended for unpaid fees owed to the UN, amounting to.

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Zabihullah Mujahid reacted to Hekmatyar’s statements

Zabihullah Mujahid has rejected Golbedin Hekmatyar’s statements regarding the proposal of a list of people to form an inclusive government in Afghanistan by the United States. Kabul 24: Mujahid clarified that they have not made any commitment to anyone regarding such government organizations. Mujahid responded to Hekmatyar’s claims and called.

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