Dep. Director of General Intelligence: Daesh Does ‘Not Exist’ in Country

Rahmatullah Najib, the Deputy Director of General Intelligence of the Islamic Emirate, said that Daesh has been significantly suppressed in Afghanistan.

Najib said there were Daesh operations under the previous government and said that with the return to power of the Islamic Emirate, the activities of this group have nearly ceased.

Kubul 24: In a public meeting in Kabul, the intelligence official said that Daesh no longer has the capacity to carry out major attacks in the country.

The Deputy Director of General Intelligence stated, “We assure you that Daesh does not exist in Afghanistan; however, sometimes when they operate secretly, both we and you must be vigilant.”

On the other hand, the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), in its quarterly report, wrote that the expansion of Daesh-Khorasan’s attacks increases global threats.

According to the SIGAR report, this Daesh branch has carried out attacks in the last three months, including in Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Zalmay Afghanyar, a military affairs expert, said: “If the world is truly frightened by this matter, it should compel Afghanistan’s neighboring countries to dismantle camps within their territories so as not to impact us. An international cooperation is needed in the fight against terrorism.”

Previously, the U.S. Department of State emphasized the interim government’s fight against terrorist groups and added that their country must ensure that Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for terrorists.

Daesh Presence in Afghanistan Disputed

– Rahmatullah Najib, the Deputy Director of General Intelligence of the Islamic Emirate, stated that Daesh has been significantly suppressed in Afghanistan.

– Najib said there were Daesh operations under the previous government, but with the return to power of the Islamic Emirate, the activities of this group have nearly ceased.

– In a public meeting in Kabul, the intelligence official claimed that Daesh no longer has the capacity to carry out major attacks in the country.
– The Deputy Director of General Intelligence assured that “Daesh does not exist in Afghanistan; however, sometimes when they operate secretly, both we and you must be vigilant.”

SIGAR Report Contradicts Claims, Warns of Daesh-Khorasan Threat

– The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), in its quarterly report, wrote that the expansion of Daesh-Khorasan’s attacks increases global threats.
– According to the SIGAR report, the Daesh branch has carried out attacks in the last three months, including in Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Expert Calls for International Cooperation to Fight Terrorism

– Zalmay Afghanyar, a military affairs expert, said that if the world is truly concerned about the Daesh threat, it should compel Afghanistan’s neighboring countries to dismantle camps within their territories to prevent the impact on Afghanistan.
– Afghanyar emphasized that international cooperation is needed in the fight against terrorism.

U.S. Emphasizes Need to Prevent Afghanistan from Becoming a Safe Haven for Terrorists

– Previously, the U.S. Department of State emphasized the interim government’s fight against terrorist groups and added that their country must ensure that Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for terrorists.

Kabul24 is an independent news agency that brings you 24-hour news from Afghanistan, the region and the world. Kabul24 is committed to the human rights of all Afghans, especially women and ethnic minorities, and works to promote basic human freedoms by presenting the latest news, reports and professional analysis.

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