Afghan and Turkmen Business Collaboration Flourishes with Multiple Contracts

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has reported a significant milestone in economic cooperation between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, with more than 10 contracts and two memorandums of understanding being signed between private companies from both nations. This development marks a positive step towards strengthening bilateral trade relations.
Contracts Signed in Herat, Fostering Sectoral Growth

The contracts and memorandums were signed during a gathering of Afghan and Turkmen businessmen in Herat, focusing on various sectors within the construction industry.

Key areas of agreement include sikhgul, construction paint, marble, and edible materials, highlighting the diverse range of opportunities being explored by the business communities of both countries.

Minister Azizi Advocates for Increased Investment

Nuruddin Azizi, the Minister of Industry and Trade, emphasized the importance of further investment by Turkmen companies in Afghanistan during discussions with Atagli F, the head of the Union of Tradesmen and Industrialists of Turkmenistan. This call for increased collaboration underscores the mutual benefits that can be derived from enhanced economic ties between the two nations.

Ongoing Dialogue and Future Prospects

Despite recent discussions on economic and commercial matters, including the potential establishment of a common logistics center in the port of “Turgendi,” both countries are actively exploring avenues for deeper cooperation.

The proposed tripartite transit agreement involving Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan signals a commitment to fostering regional economic integration and facilitating smoother trade routes.

This recent surge in business agreements reflects a positive trajectory in the economic partnership between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, paving the way for enhanced collaboration and shared prosperity in the region.

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