Russians Celebrate WWII Victory in Vienna Amid Controversy

In a display of commemoration and controversy, hundreds of Russians took to the streets of Vienna to mark the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

Kabul 24: Despite Ukraine’s efforts to halt the anniversary celebrations, Austrian authorities allowed the event to proceed, drawing criticism from Ukraine and some participants expressing strong sentiments against Europe and Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Call for Ban Goes Unheeded

Ukraine’s plea to Austrian authorities to prohibit the WWII victory celebrations in Vienna went unanswered, continuing the tradition of the event taking place despite objections.

The Ukrainian embassy condemned the festivities as anti-democratic and disrespectful to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where Ukrainian lives are being lost.

Ukrainian Protest Amidst Celebrations

As the Russian commemoration unfolded, a Ukrainian protest emerged alongside, with Tetiana Bilyk, a resident of Vienna from Ukraine, voicing opposition to the festivities.

Bilyk emphasized the importance of mourning over celebration, denouncing the event as a tool for spreading Putin’s propaganda and undermining the remembrance of war victims.

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