Islamic Emirate Denies Pakistani Claims of TTP Presence in Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, in response to recent statements made by Pakistan’s Interior Minister, denied claims that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is operating on Afghan soil.

Mujahid rejected the Pakistani official’s claim and added that Kabul seeks to have good relations with Islamabad and that Afghanistan does not want war in Pakistan. “First, we reject the claim that TTP leaders are in Afghanistan.

Kabul 24: We do not allow anyone to use Afghanistan’s soil against other countries, and Afghanistan does not want war in Pakistan,” the spokesperson said.

Pakistan Demands Arrest and Extradition of TTP Leaders

Earlier, the Pakistani Interior Minister, Mohsin Raza Naqvi, asked the Islamic Emirate to arrest and hand over the TTP leaders, who he claimed were planning attacks from Afghanistan.

Naqvi once again claimed in a press conference yesterday (Sunday) that the TTP is present in Afghanistan. He called on the Islamic Emirate to arrest their leaders and hand them over to Pakistan.

“We ask the caretaker government of Afghanistan to arrest and hand over Bakhtyar Shah, Qari Abdullah, Khan Lala, especially Noor Wali Mehsud, the leader of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, and Azmatullah Mehsud, the commander, and several members of this group’s leadership, to us as soon as possible.

We want good relations with Afghanistan, and this is only possible if they cooperate with us and do not allow Afghanistan’s soil to be used against us,” Naqvi told reporters.

Analysts Dispute Pakistani Claims

Some military analysts believe that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan is Islamabad’s internal issue, and the country wants to make such claims for its own purposes.

Aziz Stanakzai, a military analyst, told TOLOnews, “Pakistan accusing Afghanistan and claiming that the TTP is present on Afghan soil and poses a threat from Afghan soil to Pakistan is not true.”

Mohammad Matin Mohammadkhel, another military analyst, said: “The TTP has issues with the Pakistani government, and members of the TTP are from this country. They are not called terrorists; they are insurgents and want Sharia and independence in Pakistan.”

Previously, some Pakistani officials, including the country’s Defense Minister, claimed that Afghanistan’s soil was being used against Pakistan, and Islamabad had raised this issue with Kabul.

However, the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly denied the use of Afghan soil against other countries and pledged that Afghanistan’s soil will not be used against any country

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