Turkmenistan at UN Pledges Continued Efforts for Stability in Afghanistan

During a recent United Nations meeting, the Turkmenistan representative reaffirmed the nation’s dedication to fostering peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Kabul 24: Ashgabat aims to collaborate with regional organizations to address the humanitarian crisis and counter radicalization among the Afghan populace. The representative emphasized the importance of infrastructure projects as vital to achieving these goals.

International Cooperation for Regional Stability

Elisabeth Spehar, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peace Affairs, highlighted the need for a cohesive international partnership to enhance stability in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas. She stressed the significance of coordinated international engagement to address the evolving challenges in the region.

Concerns from Regional Organizations

Zhang Ming, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, expressed support for international efforts aimed at promoting peace in Afghanistan. Conversely, Imangali Tasmagambetov, Secretary-General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, warned that Afghanistan remains a significant source of instability in Central Asia, with rising threats from terrorism and narcotics.

Russia’s Stance on Security Threats

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin reiterated the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s commitment to combatting terrorism and organized crime, particularly those emanating from Afghanistan. The meeting underscored the urgent need for a collective response to these threats.

Lack of Response from the Islamic Emirate

The Islamic Emirate has yet to respond to these discussions, maintaining its position that Afghanistan does not pose a terrorism threat to neighboring countries and highlighting the role of regional organizations in addressing Afghan issues.

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