Unveiling of “Cloudy, Sunny” in the collection of literature of Persian speakers of Oslo by “Form” publishing house

The unveiling ceremony of the book “Sunny Cloud” by Mansoor Tehrani was held by “Form” publishing house in Oslo Central Library, the capital of Norway. Form Publishing also plans to start publishing Pashto and Uzbek works soon.

Kabul 24: The unveiling ceremony of the book “Cloudy, Sunny” from “Form” publishing house was held in Oslo, the capital of Norway, with the presence of a group of Persian-speaking scholars.

The first part of the ceremony was devoted to the introduction of “Form” publications. In this section, during a conversation with Hamida Mirzad; The director responsible for publishing the participants got acquainted with the process of printing and publishing the book.

In this conversation, Mirzad explained the details and challenges of book printing and also by presenting good news, he announced that the publishing of the form has made it possible to print and publish books in Pashto and Uzbek languages ​​from now on.

According to Mrs. Mirzad, this action was taken in order to promote culture and literature and support linguistic diversity. This decision shows the special attention of “Form” publications to the spread of literature in different linguistic and cultural communities.

Nesram Form was launched in the spring of 402 with a group of cultural and artistic figures living abroad, and in about a year after its establishment, it has paged and printed more than 12 works.

In the second part of the program for the launch of the book “Cloudy, Sunny”, a video of Mohibullah Zogh, one of the researchers of Pashto literature, was shown. This video, which examined the history of publishing Pashto literature, was interesting and fresh for the audience and introduced them to the lesser-known aspects of this language.

Then, Mr. Ayub Togra, another special guest of the event, in his speech, discussed the history of the Uzbek language and the role of this language in the culture and literature of the region.

The second part of the program in the form of questions and answers with Mansour Tehrani; The author of the book was held. In this section, with the presence of the host of the program, questions were asked about various topics of the book.

Mr. Tehrani; While introducing his work, he talked about the process of writing the book, the sources of inspiration and the challenges of writing it.

The unveiling ceremony of the book Sunny Cloud

At the end of this section, Tehrani thanked Form Publishing House for their support and cooperation in publishing this book.

Form Publications intends to provide a suitable platform for the presentation of authors’ works and participate in the growth and elevation of society’s thought and culture.

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