A young woman hanged herself in Faryab

Sources in Faryab reported that a young woman hanged herself in Qaisar district of this province and ended her life.

Kabul 24: According to the sources, this woman was 21 years old and her name was Hitgol. He committed suicide yesterday (Monday, 24 Mizan) in “Arzliq” village of Qaisar district.

A source considers the reason for this woman’s suicide to be a family dispute and says that Hitgol had an argument with her husband two days before.

According to the source, this woman filed a complaint against her husband at the Taliban security command in Qaisar district and her husband was also summoned by the Taliban.

The source said that the Taliban arrested Hitgol’s husband after he committed suicide.

The Taliban officials in Faryab have not said anything in this regard so far.

Family violence is considered one of the main reasons for women’s suicide in the country.

The lack of institutions to deal with violence against women has doubled the problems of this group.

It is said that in most cases, the Taliban do not deal with women’s complaints about domestic violence

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