China is investing in the construction of 3 water dams in Kanar

The Ministry of Energy and Water announced the interest of a Chinese company to invest in the construction of three large water dams to generate electricity in Kunar.

According to Kabul 24, quoted by Bakhtar News Agency, Abdul Latif Mansour; The minister of energy and water of this group talked with the officials of this company in Kabul on Sunday, 7 Asad.

The name of this Chinese company has not yet been announced.

Bakhtar added that the company has expressed its interest to invest in three dams to generate electricity on the Konar River in the areas of “Shal”, “Sagi” and “Sartaq”.

According to Bakhtar, the officials of this company have said that they are ready to sign a memorandum of understanding with Afghanistan and start the construction of these power plants as soon as possible.

In this meeting, the Minister of Energy and Water said that if all these dams are built, Afghanistan can “export” electricity to other countries.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has announced the interest of a Chinese investor to build a solar power plant worth 40 million dollars.

According to Bakhtar, this Chinese investor named “Shi Ye” announced this in a meeting with Ahmedullah Zahid, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.

After the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in Asad 1400, Chinese companies have sought to increase their presence and investment in Afghanistan.

Investing in Aynak copper mine in Logar and oil extraction in the north is one of the most important projects of Chinese companies in Afghanistan.

The Aynak copper mining contract in Logar was signed in 2007 between the Chinese MCC company and the then Afghan government, but the copper mining work was postponed due to the discovery of ancient artifacts in the mine and security threats.

Recently, the officials of this company, with the presence of senior government officials, held a ceremony for the resumption of copper mining in Aynak mine in Logar.

According to the 1397 contract, the initial investment of this company to work in the largest copper mine in Afghanistan and the second largest copper mine in the world is two billion and 898 million dollars

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