Deadly Motorcycle-Borne Magnetic Mine Attack Hits Security Convoy in Badakhshan

Three Islamic Emirate forces members killed, five others injured in blast

Magnetic mine attached to motorcycle exploded as convoy passed through Faizabad city

Attack occurred during mission to eradicate poppy cultivation in the area

Eyewitness Accounts of the Incident

Local resident Amanullah describes hearing a “loud explosion” as the convoy passed by

Shops and vehicles in the area were forced to stop after the attack

Concerns from Badakhshan Residents

Locals call on Islamic Emirate to bolster security measures in the province

Residents express worry and fear, especially for women and children, following the incident

No Claim of Responsibility Yet

So far, no individual or group has claimed credit for the deadly motorcycle-borne magnetic mine attack

The news report details a tragic attack that struck a security forces convoy in Badakhshan province, resulting in multiple casualties. The explosion, caused by a magnetic mine attached to a motorcycle, highlights the ongoing security challenges faced by the Islamic Emirate in the region.

Local residents expressed concerns over the incident, urging the authorities to enhance security measures to prevent such attacks from occurring again. The lack of a claim of responsibility suggests the perpetrators may still be at large, underscoring the need for a thorough investigation and heightened vigilance in the area.

The attack serves as a sobering reminder of the volatile security situation in parts of Afghanistan, even as the Islamic Emirate works to maintain order and stability across the country.

Addressing the root causes of such violence and ensuring the safety of civilians will be crucial priorities moving forward.

Kabul24 is an independent news agency that brings you 24-hour news from Afghanistan, the region and the world. Kabul24 is committed to the human rights of all Afghans, especially women and ethnic minorities, and works to promote basic human freedoms by presenting the latest news, reports and professional analysis.

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