Devastating floods in Ghor: residents of Marghab, Charsada districts in dire straits

The ongoing devastating floods in Marghab and Charsada districts of Ghor province, have taken the lives of two individuals alongside significant financial losses, leaving residents in a dire strait.

Kabul 24: Rahimuddin, a resident of Marghab, says that floods have been raging in this district for two days, resulting in the destruction of dozens of residential homes, with over a thousand other homes also threatened by the floods. According to him, no relief organization has yet addressed the situation of the flood victims, and people are left homeless.

Shams-ul-haq, another resident of Marghab district, also warns that if the situation of the flood victims is not addressed, many lives will be lost. According to him, floods in this district have already claimed the life of a young child.

Security officials in Ghor province, however, express concern over the significant financial losses inflicted on people by floods.

Abdul Rahman Badri, spokesperson for the Security Command of Ghor, says that reports received by them from these two districts indicate that a young child in Marghab district and an elderly man in Charsada district have lost their lives due to heavy rainfall and ensuing floods.

The floods have been occurring for two days in these two districts, resulting in the destruction of numerous residential homes, shops, agricultural lands, and irrigation channels, with over a thousand other residential homes still under threat from the floods.

Abdul Wahed Hamas, spokesperson for the Governor of Ghor, confirms the damages caused by floods in these two districts, but he states that the local administration of the province has convened an emergency meeting to address the flood victims.

Officials from various sectors and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have been requested to provide assistance to the flood victims in Marghab and Charsada districts to the best of their abilities and to reopen transportation routes.

Lives Lost and Widespread Destruction

Two individuals have lost their lives in the ongoing devastating floods in Marghab and Charsada districts of Ghor province.
Dozens of residential homes have been destroyed, with over a thousand other homes threatened by the floods.

Rahimuddin, a resident of Marghab, says no relief organizations have yet addressed the situation of the flood victims, leaving people homeless.

Shams-ul-haq, another resident of Marghab, warns that many lives will be lost if the situation of the flood victims is not addressed, as a young child has already died due to the floods.

Significant Financial Losses

Security officials in Ghor province express concern over the significant financial losses inflicted on people by the floods.

The floods have resulted in the destruction of numerous residential homes, shops, agricultural lands, and irrigation channels.

Emergency Response Efforts

Abdul Wahed Hamas, spokesperson for the Governor of Ghor, confirms the damages caused by the floods and states that the local administration has convened an emergency meeting to address the flood victims.

Officials from various sectors and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have been requested to provide assistance to the flood victims and reopen transportation routes.

The ongoing devastating floods in Marghab and Charsada districts of Ghor province have taken a heavy toll, with lives lost and widespread destruction of homes, businesses, and infrastructure.

The local authorities have initiated emergency response efforts, but the situation remains dire for the affected residents. Continued support and relief efforts are crucial to help the flood victims and restore normalcy in the region.

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