EU Allocates £15 Million to Support Women-Led Businesses in Afghanistan

The European Union (EU) delegation based in Kabul has allocated £15 million to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Afghanistan to facilitate women-led local businesses’ access to financial services.

Kabul 24: Raffaella Iodice, the Head of the EU Delegation in Afghanistan, emphasised the economic importance of empowering Afghan women.

In a recent post on the social media platform X, she announced that the European Union will provide £15 million to the UNDP in Afghanistan to bolster Afghan businesses led by women and young entrepreneurs in six provinces.

This humanitarian aid aims to sustain job opportunities for women in Afghanistan, given the extensive restrictions imposed by the Taliban on women’s rights to work and education. Since taking control in Afghanistan in 2021, the Taliban has enforced stringent limitations on Afghan women and girls.

Over two years later, the Taliban’s policies concerning women’s employment in governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as various other professions, remain unaltered.

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