Expulsion of more than 17 thousand Afghan immigrants from Iran and Pakistan

The Ministry of Immigrants and Returnees has announced that more than 17,000 immigrants from Iran and Pakistan have returned to the country in less than a week.

Kabul 24: The Ministry of Refugees and Returnees has announced that at least 17,265 Afghans have been deported from Iran and Pakistan from 31 May to 5 Asad.

According to the Ministry of Immigration, more than ten thousand Afghan immigrants have been deported from Iran.

The Ministry of Migration says that among the migrants returned to Afghanistan, there are also children and women.

In the statements of this ministry, it is stated that Afghan immigrants were returned to Afghanistan from Torkham, Spin Boldak, Silk Bridge and Islam Qala crossings.

The governments of Iran and Pakistan have been increasing the process of deporting undocumented Afghan immigrants for months, and according to statistics provided by the Ministry of Migration of the Taliban in the past months, more than a thousand Afghans are being deported from these two countries every day.

Many emigrants deported from Iran and Pakistan in the past months have complained about the treatment of the police of these two countries during the deportation.

Immigrants say that the Iranian and Pakistani police mistreated them after their arrest.

At the same time, the authorities of Pakistan and Iran always emphasize that they deal with Afghan immigrants based on international laws and consider it their legal right to deport Afghans without documents.

This is while the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment in Iran has increased sharply in recent weeks.

In response to the new wave of anti-immigrant sentiment in Iran, Seyed Rasoul Mousavi, diplomat of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said that the immigration problem cannot be solved with anti-immigrant sentiment.

Seyed Rasool Mousavi, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic, says that the problem of immigration cannot be solved with anti-immigration, wall-building and inhumane approaches.

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