Hanafi: Kazakhstan Decision On Islamic Emirate Status ‘Just and Fair’

Abdul Salam Hanafi, the Islamic Emirate’s deputy prime minister for administrative affairs, praised the decision by Kazakhstan to remove the Islamic Emirate from the list of banned groups in that country.

Kabul 24: Addressing a gathering of “Admiration for Outstanding University and Religious School Students” at Kabul University, Abdul Salam Hanafi urged other countries to follow Kazakhstan’s example in their approach to the Islamic Emirate.

At Kabul University, Abdul Salam Hanafi stated: “The declaration made yesterday by the President of Kazakhstan regarding the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was a just and fair decision. We ask neighboring and regional countries to take similar actions. We want to maintain good relations with everyone.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also praised Kazakhstan’s move, calling it significant for the expansion of relations between the two countries.

Hafiz Zia Ahmad Takal, deputy spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, added: “Kazakhstan is an important trade and transit partner of Afghanistan in the region, and this decision will pave the way for bilateral progress and increased economic cooperation.”

Will Kazakhstan’s decision benefit the recognition of the Islamic Emirate?

Salim Paigir, a political analyst, responded: “The officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan should not undermine the trust that Kazakhstan, Russia, and China have in them but should rather strengthen it.”

Fazl-ur-Rahman Orya, another political analyst, stated: “This action by Kazakhstan legitimizes the authority and sovereignty of the Afghan government. They argue that the Afghan government is a lasting, strategic, and stable government.”

Kazakhstan is the first country to remove the names of Islamic Emirate officials from the list of banned groups in this country.

Previously, the TASS news agency, quoting Russia’s special envoy to Afghanistan, had reported that the Russian Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had proposed to President Vladimir Putin to remove the names of Islamic Emirate officials from the list of terrorist groups

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