Human Rights Committee asked Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

As Afghanistan falls into chaos with the Taliban taking over regions, the human rights situation in neighboring Pakistan towards Afghan refugees remains dire. The Afghan Human Rights Commission has called on the government of Pakistan to cease the expulsion of Afghan refugees amidst new reports of police arresting and deporting large numbers of refugees and migrants.

Kabul24: Concern for Human Rights Activists, Women Protesters, Prosecutors, Defense Lawyers, Military Personnel, and Former Government Employees

The Human Rights Commission has emphasized the dire consequences of deporting Afghan refugees, as it “puts the lives of many human rights activists, women protesters, prosecutors, defense lawyers, military personnel, and former government employees at serious risk.” Reports from reliable sources reveal that thousands of Afghan refugees have been imprisoned and deported in Pakistan over the last year.

Human Rights Commission Requests Urgent Intervention from International Bodies

The commission has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to start a dialogue with the government of Pakistan to stop the illegal detention and deportation of Afghan refugees. The Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan has also called on influential regional and international organizations to investigate the human rights situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

Harassment and Targeted Arrests Even Against Refugees with Legal Documents

Sources in Islamabad revealed that Pakistani police are arresting immigrants even with residency cards and legal documents. The police are said to have raided refugee’s homes, arrested men and women, stopped them in public, and demanded legal documents repeatedly.

Calls for Immediate End to Deportation Policy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan has repeatedly requested the government of Pakistan to end the policy of detaining Afghan refugees. The situation is exacerbated amid the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, and it is crucial that Pakistan gives immediate asylum to Afghan refugees in a dire human rights situation.

Kabul24 is an independent news agency that brings you 24-hour news from Afghanistan, the region and the world. Kabul24 is committed to the human rights of all Afghans, especially women and ethnic minorities, and works to promote basic human freedoms by presenting the latest news, reports and professional analysis.

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