Iran’s Aid Package for Flood Victims Arrives in Balkh

The first shipment of Iran’s humanitarian aid for the flood victims in Afghanistan arrived on Thursday in Balkh province. The aid packages, which include food, medicine, carpets, blankets, and tents, were sent within the framework of humanitarian cooperation between the two countries.

Red Crescent Society of Iran Leads the Effort

Kabul 24: Razia Alishondi, the vice president of international affairs of the Red Crescent Society of Iran, announced the delivery of the aid packages to Afghanistan. The shipment landed at Mazar-e-Sharif airport on Thursday, according to local officials in Balkh province.

Devastating Floods Hit Multiple Provinces

The aid comes in response to the devastating floods that have hit several provinces of Afghanistan, including Baghlan, Ghor, and Faryab, during the last two weeks. These floods have resulted in huge financial losses and have claimed hundreds of lives, with many more injured.

International Community Urged to Provide Assistance

The arrival of Iran’s aid package highlights the urgent need for international assistance to support the flood victims in Afghanistan.

As the country continues to grapple with the aftermath of these natural disasters, the international community is being called upon to provide further aid and support to help the affected communities recover and rebuild.

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