Islamic Emirate to Attend Russia-Islamic World Forum in Kazan

Dmitry Zhirnov, Russia’s ambassador to Kabul, invited the representative of the Islamic Emirate to attend the “Russia-Islamic World: Kazan Forum” scheduled for May 15th in Kazan, Russia.

Kabul 24: The invitation was extended during a meeting with Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy of the Prime Ministry of the Islamic Emirate.

Discussions on Afghanistan Expected at the Forum

The agenda for the international meeting in Kazan is set to prominently feature discussions on the situation in Afghanistan.

Hamdullah Fetrat, the deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, confirmed that the invitation was extended and that securing Kabul-Moscow relations was discussed as beneficial by both sides.

Significance and Expectations

Political analysts have highlighted the importance of this World Islamic Assembly meeting, stating that it provides an opportunity to address the lifting of sanctions on Afghanistan.

Hamidullah Hotak, a political analyst, urged the Islamic Emirate to proceed with good relations with neighboring countries and the international community, and to address their legitimate demands.

Sayed Bilal Ahmad Fatemi, another analyst, expressed the hope that this forum could help Afghanistan emerge from its current deadlock and reduce external obstacles to the country’s progress.

Islamic Emirate’s Representation

It has been reported that Nooruddin Azizi, the acting minister of industry and commerce, will represent the Islamic Emirate at the Kazan forum, although the caretaker government has not officially confirmed this.

Participating Countries

The Russia – Islamic World: Kazan international economic forum is expected to have special representatives from China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and some other countries.

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