Kabul Asserts Afghan Territory’s Security Amid Regional Concerns

In response to comments by the head of Kyrgyzstan’s National Security Committee regarding terrorist threats from Afghanistan, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, Zabihullah Mujahid, has reaffirmed that Afghanistan’s territory will not be used against other countries.

Kabul 24: This assurance comes nearly three years into the Islamic Emirate’s rule, during which time no country has been threatened from Afghan soil.

Terrorist Groups No Longer Present in Afghanistan, Mujahid Claims

Mujahid emphasized that terrorist groups no longer have a presence in Afghanistan, stating that “statements suggesting danger from Afghanistan are incorrect.” He reiterated the Islamic Emirate’s commitment to ensuring that no one uses Afghanistan’s soil against another country.

Regional Concerns Persist

Despite Mujahid’s assurances, the head of Kyrgyzstan’s National Security Committee had previously expressed concerns at a meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security officials about the growing number of terrorist groups in northern Afghanistan, which he believes poses a real threat to the southern borders of CIS countries.

Russian Security Chief Weighs In

Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), also addressed the CIS security meeting in Bishkek, highlighting the activities of terrorist groups aiming to infiltrate Afghanistan and Pakistan as a significant threat to CIS countries. However, he suggested that if foreigners do not interfere in Afghanistan’s affairs, the “Taliban” can restore order in the country.

Expert Analysis

International relations expert Sangar Amirzada noted that a crucial issue for the region and neighboring countries is ensuring their interests are not attacked from Afghanistan. He believes this has not happened during the Republic nor is it likely to happen under the Emirate, although some concerns persist.

Military affairs expert Mohammad Zalmai Afghanyar stressed the importance of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism, emphasizing that neighboring and regional countries should work together with Afghanistan.

CIS Countries Unite Against Terrorism

The Commonwealth of Independent States, comprising Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Moldova, remains committed to addressing regional security concerns, including the threat of terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.

Kabul24 is an independent news agency that brings you 24-hour news from Afghanistan, the region and the world. Kabul24 is committed to the human rights of all Afghans, especially women and ethnic minorities, and works to promote basic human freedoms by presenting the latest news, reports and professional analysis.

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