Mawlawi Abdul Kabir: Islamic Emirate has Complete Authority in 34 Provinces

Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy Prime Minister, emphasized in a meeting with the heads of public universities and the Ministry of Higher Education that the Islamic Emirate has authority over all parts of Afghanistan. According to the political deputy PM, currently no village in the country is outside the government’s control.
Complete Authority in 34 Provinces and 421 Districts

Kabul 24: Mawlawi Abdul Kabir said in this meeting: “There is complete authority in the 34 provinces and 421 official districts. Not a single village is in the hands of the enemy. This is not an exaggeration, it is the truth.”

End of Wars and Factionalism

In this meeting, this senior interim government official also pledged that with the Islamic Emirate’s return to power, the wars for gaining power in Afghanistan have ended. The political deputy PM added: “There is no war of factions, languages, or ethnicities. The destruction of cities to gain power no longer exists.”

Need for Policy Changes

Meanwhile, some political analysts said that to improve its relations, the Islamic Emirate needs to make some changes in its domestic and foreign policies.

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Discusses Relations

This comes as the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs yesterday discussed the closeness of relations between the government and the people in a meeting with some former governors in

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