More than 8,000 vacancies in the Ministry of Education are waiting for the graduates of fourteenth grade and religious schools

The Ministry of Education announced that more than 8,000 vacant posts of teachers and administrative posts of the Ministry have been open to open competition throughout the country. Candidates for these posts can register for these posts in the next 10 days.

Kabul 24: Abdul Khaliq Sadegh; The deputy of quality assurance of the Ministry of Education said in a meeting at the government media center that the applicants for these positions can go to their provinces to register for these positions on Sunday, the 25th of Samblah for the next ten days.

He added that the technical teams of the Ministry of Education in 24 provinces of the country have started the process of registering qualified people and claimed that this process will be done “without any discrimination and prejudice” and professional people will be recruited in these positions.

According to this official of the Ministry of Education, the authority to take the exam for these positions has been assigned to the National Examinations Department and this exam will be taken through open competition.

Another official of the Ministry of Education said in this meeting that the conditions for employment in education posts in Kabul and the provinces of the country are to have a 14-pass graduation certificate or its equivalent or “a similar religious certificate of grade seven or eight”.

Abdul Baghi Haqqani; In this meeting, the head of the National Examinations Department announced the readiness of the department to take the exams for these posts and said that efforts are being made to solve the challenge of “shortage of professional teachers” in this way. He also claimed that transparency will be ensured in the examination of these posts.

The government officials did not say whether women can also register in these positions or not

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