Refugee Ministry: Efforts to Relocate Internally Displaced People in Afghanistan

Deputy Minister Abdul Rahman Rashid of Refugees and Repatriation revealed that Afghanistan is currently home to over 380,000 internally displaced individuals, with significant numbers originating from provinces like Herat, Nangarhar, Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar, and Balkh.
Voluntary Repatriation Efforts by the Islamic Emirate

Kabul 24: Abdul Rahman Rashid emphasized the Islamic Emirate’s commitment to voluntarily repatriate these individuals to their respective provinces, ensuring their needs and challenges are addressed, including providing accommodation for them.

Calls for Assistance from Displaced Individuals

In a plea to the Islamic Emirate, internally displaced individuals, whose homesBlue night’ in Corsica as 20 homes targeted by independence arsonists were demolished by Kabul Municipality, are requesting the construction of shelters to alleviate their plight.

Saleh Mohammad and others shared their struggles, highlighting the urgency of their situations and the difficulties they face in rebuilding their lives.

Challenges Faced by Displaced Families

Individuals like Awaz Khan and Zar Wali, who are disabled and facing financial hardships, expressed their concerns about the lack of resources to relocate or rebuild their homes, underscoring the pressing need for support and solutions.

Relocation Efforts and Impact

The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation reported that over the past year, more than 7,000 families have been successfully relocated to their original provinces, showcasing progress in the ongoing efforts to address the displacement crisis in Afghanistan.

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