Tehran’s Initiative to Secure Iran-Afghanistan Border with Fencing

Tehran has reiterated its commitment to enhancing security along the Iran-Afghanistan border through the implementation of physical barriers in vulnerable areas. This strategic move aims to bolster border control measures and prevent unauthorized crossings.
Deputy Police Chief’s Statement on Border Fencing Strategy

Kabul 24: Sardar Qasem Rezaei, Deputy Police Chief of Iran, emphasized that the fencing initiative will target specific vulnerable points along the border. He highlighted the collaborative efforts of border guards and local residents in ensuring the security of the border region.

Islamic Emirate’s Response and Coordination with Afghanistan

The Islamic Emirate has welcomed Iran’s decision to fence vulnerable areas along the border and expressed readiness to coordinate efforts with Afghanistan. Hamdullah Fetrat, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, assured that border control is effectively managed by their forces, emphasizing the commitment to regional security.

Perspectives on the Need for Border Fencing

While some military and political experts advocate for enhanced border security measures, others question the necessity of fencing between Iran and Afghanistan. Kamran Aman, a military analyst, stressed the importance of mutual agreement between neighboring countries for such initiatives. On the other hand, Mohammad Hassan Haqyar, a political analyst, believes that the current security situation, maintained by the Islamic Emirate, renders fencing unnecessary.

Iranian Security Measures Against Transnational Threats

Iranian security officials have previously outlined their strategy to block border crossings to combat drug trafficking and prevent the infiltration of armed terrorist groups. The proposed fencing of vulnerable points aims to fortify Iran’s defenses and safeguard against external threats.

This proactive approach underscores the importance of border security cooperation and strategic planning to ensure the safety and stability of the region.

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