Tragedy events: a huge school fire in Faryab province

Local sources in Faryab province are reporting a devastating incident in the Garziwan district where Jar-Qala High School caught fire around 4:00 PM on Sunday, October 22nd.

The fire, which has left the community in a state of helplessness, has not yet been brought under control. Visual footage circulating on social media networks confirms the severity of the incident, depicting the school engulfed in flames.

The cause of the fire remains unknown at this time, leaving many questions unanswered.

It is noteworthy that the Taliban in Faryab have not issued any statements regarding this incident, further deepening the mystery surrounding the situation.

This unfortunate event brings back memories of a similar incident approximately five months ago when unidentified individuals set fire to an elementary school building in the Al-Biruni neighborhood in Ghazni province.

The affected school belonged to the Directorate of Refugees and Repatriations, adding to the concern about the safety of educational institutions in the region.

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