UNICEF builds a school in Farah and distributes educational packages in Badghis

UNICEF Supports Education in Farah and Badghis through School Construction and Kit Donation

Kabul24: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has contributed to education in Farah and Badghis provinces in Afghanistan through various initiatives. Local officials of the Taliban have confirmed that the organization has built a new school and donated educational kits to support learning in these regions.

UNICEF’s efforts to promote education have been welcomed by the Department of Education in Badghis, which states that the organization provided support on June 17th. The educational kits have been designed for students and teachers to enhance the learning experience and improve classroom activities.

Taliban’s Restrictions on Women and Girls 

The Taliban’s recent restrictions on women and girls’ education have been widely criticized by Afghan citizens and the world community. The Taliban’s previous regime banned girls from attending schools and marginalized women’s role in society.

Despite the Taliban’sTaliban’s closure of national statistics centres leaves many unemployed claims that they have changed their policies and will respect women’s rights, many are skeptical about the group’s commitment to gender equity and women’s empowerment.

UNICEF’s efforts to provide educational support to girls in Farah and Badghis are, therefore, critical to ensuring that girls can continue their education and achieve their potential.

Protests Against Taliban’s Policies 

The Taliban’s policies have faced opposition and protests from citizens in Afghanistan and the world community. The Taliban has been accused of violating human rights, suppressing freedom of expression, and promoting intolerance and violence.

The Afghan people and the world community are mobilizing to demand that the Taliban respect human rights, uphold democratic values, and ensure that all citizens, including women and girls, have access to education and can enjoy their full rights and freedoms. UNICEF’s support for education in Farah and Badghis is a positive step towards achieving these goals.


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