UNICEF: Tens of Thousands of Children Affected by Floods in Afghanistan

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has reported that tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan have been severely affected by ongoing flash floods. The most vulnerable children are located in the northern provinces of Baghlan and Badakhshan, as well as the western province of Ghor.

Kabul 24: The floods have claimed 350 lives, including at least a dozen children, according to UNICEF. The disaster has also damaged or destroyed over 7,800 homes and displaced more than 5,000 families.

UNICEF’s Response: Providing Aid and Promoting Hygiene

In response to the crisis, UNICEF has delivered safe water and distributed hygiene kits containing essential items such as soap, buckets, jerry cans, and toothbrushes. The agency has also mobilized hygiene promoters to educate communities on handwashing and safe water storage.

Preparing for a New Reality of Climate-Related Disasters

Tajudeen Oyewale, UNICEF’s Director for Afghanistan, urged the international community to increase investments to help communities mitigate the impacts of climate change on children. “UNICEF and the humanitarian community must prepare ourselves for a new reality of climate-related disasters,” he said. “The growing number and severity of extreme weather events will require us to step in with even more rapid and large-scale humanitarian responses.”

Strengthening Preparedness and Building Resilience

Oyewale emphasized the need for strengthened preparedness measures, including greater pre-positioning of emergency relief supplies and enhanced coordination with partners. He also stressed the importance of building community resilience to reduce dependence on humanitarian aid.

Afghanistan’s Vulnerability to Climate Change

The report highlighted that children in Afghanistan are particularly vulnerable to climate and environmental shocks, despite the country being one of the least responsible for global climate change. This underscores the urgent need for international support and action to address the disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations.

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